Over the last couple of weeks I have had a scripture keep ringing in my mind. 1 Samuel 16:7….”The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, BUT the Lord looks at the heart.” Ok, you know we all clap and cheer and say “THAT’S RIGHT! GOOOOOO GOD!! It’s NOT what’s on the OUTSIDE that matters!”. I’ve said that more than once myself. Being a woman, especially in this day and age, is not the easiest undertaking. We are always being compared to other women by men. We are always being compared to other women by women. And we are always comparing ourselves to other women. Everywhere we look we see pictures of the “ideal” woman. The world’s obsession with “externals” have pushed women into lowering their life standards in hopes of being “seen”. But, truth be known, they have lowered their life standards because they have this distorted belief that if they get “noticed”, they will get “loved”. Wrong answer. What they will get is….used. I hear men ask all the time, “Women these days are a MESS! Where are all the good ones?!?”…now you know. When we push and force people to be something and someone they are not so they will fit the status quo, you end up with just exactly that….a mess. BUT, when we look at their HEART we see who they ARE (not their “representative” as a friend of mine calls it). When we look at their HEART and see their giftings, talents, and abilities we can encourage them in those areas and pull out of them what maybe even they could never see themselves. When we love people for their HEART, externals take a backseat. They no longer matter as much. We miss out on a lot of friendships/relationships because of the externals. The “externals” don’t stop at looks either. We sometimes pick and choose who we let in our life by their size, race, and socio-economic status. Use me for instance. I have been looked down upon because I am a “receptionist” (get it right though….I’m the “Director of First Impressions” hee). I get looked down upon because I wait tables (but, I’m smart enough to know that even Jesus Christ came to serve and not be servedJ Stephen waited tables too). I get looked down upon because I don’t have a degree. I can go back to school if I want to. Only 6 more classes and I’d have my B.S. in IST from SIU. I may or may not finish it. I may go a totally different direction. But I’m also smart enough to know that not ONE person outside of God can even remotely understand the calling on my life. That’s why He has called ME to it, and not them. And while people are busy judging the silly externals of my life, I have a CRAZYYYYYY internal joy and peace that comes through righteousness which can only come through Christ J
So, all of that said….is it REALLY a “good” thing that God is looking at YOUR heart? What is God seeing?? Nothing is hidden from God. No thought, no intention. He knows it all already. But, to KNOW that He is seeing the “real” you when He looks at your heart…..are you ok with WHAT your heart is revealing to Him about YOU?? Your heart holds a lot of truths. I have to be honest. I had to have a spiritual heart transplant. I had to take the TRUTH of what was in my heart, open His word…and compare my heart to His. I am made in the image and likeness of Christ. Which means, not just my externals need to mirror Him (and, any fool can fake it), but my heart has to mirror His. And that came through lining my mind and attitude up with the word of God.
I started reading about David (starting in 1 Samuel 16). He was a man after God’s heart. My inquiring mind has spent the last 3 nights reading and re-reading about him. I want to be a woman after God’s own heart. I feel like I am. I feel like I’m on the right track. But, life circumstances sometimes bring about certain thoughts and feelings….and in the midst of it, that scripture kept popping up in my mind….”..but the Lord looks at the heart.” That’s when you start talking to yourself! “Ok Kerrie. What is God seeing in your heart that more than likely needs to be removed/adjusted??” I can tell you, it didn’t take long to figure it out. I know what I think. I know what I feel. And I know what thoughts and feelings are not lining up with His word. I am finding the quicker I am willing to ADMIT that I need to make changes, and then do it, the better I feel….and the closer I get to Him, and the more humble I become. Not to mention, for every change I make puts me one step closer to my destiny. It puts me one step closer to being in line with His will for my life. It frees my heart up to be able to receive blessings. It frees my heart up to love “well”.
David was very unique. He was a shepherd, a psalmist, a harpist, a king, a giant killer, a son-in-law, a captain. He had such God-confidence that people were jealous of him. He trusted God, not men. He was courageous. He was obedient. He learned to obey before he claimed to command. He always awaited God’s timing. He was an outcast because of Saul’s jealousy towards him. In his trials, he grew. He spared Saul’s life twice, even though Saul made numerous attempts to take his life. He brought up the people of God’s choice, not his own. He used every talent God had given him, to the glory of God. He was extremely humble. He sinned, and genuinely repented. His life exemplified what it means to be “loyal” to God. He brought about unity of a whole nation under his leadership. He never forgot that God was who He said He was. He started right and committed every plan to God. But what stood out to me the most about David…..
He returned love for hate.
This is how you leave a legacy of what it means to be a man/woman after God’s own heart. Remember, God IS love. David returned God (love) to those who hated him. David allowed God to shine through him.
David is an example of what it means to love “well”. What is God seeing when He looks through your flesh and bones straight to the root of what REALLY matters to Him? The Bible is the only mirror we need to compare ourselves and our lives with. How well does your heart compare to God’s? What does the condition of your heart reveal to God about you?
♥“Who am I, O Lord God, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far? And as if this were not enough in your sight, O God, you have spoken about the future house of your servant. You have looked on me as though I were the most exalted of men, O Lord God.” (1 Chronicles 17:16-17) ♥
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